The development of community energy projects is gaining significant momentum; in communities across Australia, people are seeking alternatives to conventional energy sources. Whether they aim to increase energy security, help address climate change, or seek to lower power bills, they are looking to community-scale renewable energy projects for solutions.
Community-owned renewable energy or community energy refers to projects where a community group initiates, develops, operates and benefits from a renewable energy resource or energy efficiency initiative. A community solar project consists of a community group installing a solar PV system on a private, community, or Council owned building (host site) under a commercial agreement. The tenant/s of the host site will use the electricity generated by the solar system and remunerate the community group at an agreed rate.
Community Solar has developed a framework to support community groups to implement solar PV projects within the Great South Coast Region.
The aim of the framework is to increase the uptake of renewable energy by Great South Coast community groups, and assist in reducing the impact of climate change through the reduced use of fossil fuels.

Request for Quotation Template

Business Case Template

Financial Model Template

Risk Register Template
This project was an initiative of Leadership Great South Coast 2019